Choosing the appropriate storage solution is the first step in managing your files effectively. IT Services offers University members a range of options for storing your files, each with its strengths, so you can choose based on your needs. For instance, OneDrive is excellent for personal storage and temporary sharing, while SharePoint and Teams are better suited for collaborative work and long-term storage. We hope this short summary is useful.
Storing research data?
Research Data is the information needed ‘to support or validate a research project’s observations, findings or outputs’, or which is required for legal or regulatory compliance (see Oxford’s Research Data Policy for more detail). Secure and accessible locations are available for keeping your research data safe.
A Research Data Pathfinder tool has been created to help you discover the most suitable location for your data and files. The pathfinder includes many options, including the Research File Service (a University-approved central storage facility for active research data), DigiSafe (great for secure long-term archiving of digital material), Sustainable Digital Scholarship (for storing, publishing and sustaining research data outputs), or other locations that your division may offer. Explore the pathfinder and see where it leads. Contact each service for further detail or the Research Data team for general advice.
Love data? Find out how the University is helping
It’s nearly International Love Data Week and the University’s Research Data Management (RDM) support colleagues and services are looking forward to meeting you at the Love Research Data event. Join us to find out more about how the University provides love and care for its valuable data collections. More information and booking.
Back up your important data
If you are not using a centrally managed device (laptop or desktop) regular backups are essential to prevent data loss. Use the University's backup services like the HFS CrashPlan for personal devices and Storage Protect for larger datasets. Using these services ensures that your data is safely backed up and can be restored in case of any issues.
Where to keep shared documents
It’s really important to store shared documents in the right place. A shared project should ideally have storage with shared ownership. You’ll probably find that OneDrive is great for temporary sharing, but final versions or documents that need to be accessed by a group, should be stored in SharePoint or Teams so your documents remain accessible even if you change roles or leave the University.
Regular housekeeping
Regular housekeeping is essential for keeping your storage organised, especially in your OneDrive which is quota-limited. Our teams recommend scheduling time to review and clean up your files. Delete old drafts, remove out-of-date material, and move files to more appropriate shared locations if necessary. This not only frees up space for more important data, but also makes it easier to find important documents when you need them. Check the housekeeping guide for tips.
Did you know?
When you leave the University your OneDrive is deleted. If you have shared OneDrive files with colleagues, they could lose access to important files. Make sure shared files are stored in a shared location, such as SharePoint, where they can always be accessed.