Careers in IT at Oxford

Have you ever wondered what skills are useful for a career in IT?  Or what types of jobs might even be available? Here at Oxford University, IT roles are varied, from admin and support roles, to developer and senior system engineers, to name but a few. And these roles aren’t just in IT Services, there are IT staff across the University, in colleges, departments and divisions.

As you can imagine, it’s not easy to map out all the positions that are out there, but to help you find out more about what might be available IT Services has launched an online career development guide. This resource provides staff across the University with information about the range of roles available in IT and related professions to help them think about, and plan for, future career moves.

The guide, which is on our public website, is also available to prospective job applicants and we hope will attract them to the wide range of roles available. The guide is still in development and we hope to expand it to include details of roles at the Divisional level and in Support Centres.

But of course, we don’t work in isolation. Our guide supports the University’s professional services Focus on People (log in with SSO) work being led by the Registrar, which is creating a skills and career development framework. Keep an eye out for more on this in the coming months, but in the meantime, do take a look through the IT Career Development Guide, who knows, maybe something will interest you and help take your career in a new direction.